Try to convince Isabelle that you are telling her the truth

From Create Your Own Story

"Please, you have to believe me." you plead. "I'm what they call a sexually strong orc, and if I don't have sex, then my balls will overflow with sperm, and explode, killing me."

She doesn't seem too convinced. "Sounds more like an excuse just to get in my pants, orc."

"It's not an excuse. Please, I'm telling you the truth. It's an agonizing death, and... I don't like pain."

She looks sorry for you, but her resolve remains stone cold. "Then masturbate until your dick falls off, you damn pervert."

She then storms out of the cell block, and you slowly back up against your cell's wall. Hopeless, you slide down until you are sitting, and try thinking of a way you can escape.

"Nice going, orc. Now she'll never come back." one inmate says.

"Yeah, don't ever try to get her into bed." another says.

"It's just a rumor, but I've heard that she's a lesbian, who hates men."

"I don't doubt it. I got thrown in here for spitting in a bucket of fish."

"That's nothing, I got thrown in here for giving my niece some candy. Isabelle claimed I was a stalker."

"What about you, orc, what did you get thrown in here for?"

Seeing as there's nothing else to do, you respond, "For being an orc, looking for a mate."

"Damn, that's harsh."

"But, you're here now, so that makes you a member of our ragtag group of unjustly imprisoned inmates. Nice to meet you, orc."

"Speak for yourself. I'm here because I tried to rape Isabelle. Got no regrets about it, got to see her fine as silk tits."

"Oh, shut up. We all know you're here because you gave her a confession letter."

This conversation goes on for at least an hour, all the inmates talking and arguing about what they did to piss Isabelle off. But then the door opens and Isabelle steps up to your cell, opening it.

"Follow me, orc." she orders.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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