TFA: Bring her to the closest empty room

From Create Your Own Story

You take her by the hand and stands up, walking towards the closest unlocked door. She walks as fast as you and you enter a multi function room that is the exact now configured as a copy of the cell she was held into. You close and lock the door behind you and she pushes you against it, putting her lips on yours for a demanding kiss. You slip your tongue into her mouth and she gasps in response, deepening an already deep kiss.

Then, her hands start to undo your armor and you help her out, never breaking the kiss. You are naked under a minute and leave your armor behind as you push her against the interrogation chair. You lay it to the horizontal and both of you go on it, your mouths parting to get some much needed air. Her hands trace your muscles and before she can make her way to the crotch, you suddenly sit her on your man piece, your dick rubbing her ass while her back firmly pressed against you.

You then begin to strip her, slowly, kissing each inch of flesh your hands reveal. You kiss her neck, shoulders and back teasingly, Rey clearly loving it, and when her tops ends up below her breasts, she picks your hands in hers and leads you to them. Your mouths connect again as you gently cup her breasts. While her right hand keeps yours on her chest, her left continues your job, slowly pushing her dress down. You rub her nipples and she lets you invade her mouth again with your tongue. She stands up a little bit to let her clothes drop on the floor and sits back where she was, now as naked as you. She lets you left hand slip away while jealously keeping your right on her hardening nipple. With your free hand, you carefully trace hr fine stomach, her perfect ass and her smooth leg. Her body jolts when your hand places itself straight on her opening, Rey breaking the kiss to whimper.

“Yes!” She gasps as her left hand pushes your waiting tongue back on her sensitive neck.

What happens next now that you are about to enter the foreplay?

Star Wars: The Complete Erotic Saga
The Force Awakens

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