Pi Pi Pi/Take your time changing--It's your locker room too now

From Create Your Own Story

Inspired by the Pi Pi Pi rules, you decide not to worry about being naked in the men's football locker room. So what if they see you naked. It's your locker room too now.

In fact, you're so horny thinking about it that you don't even make an effort to put anything on before the person you hear walks in. So, you are standing there naked when one of the players walks in.

"Hi there," you say as he walks in.

The guy looks up, startled, and almost cums on himself at seeing you standing there naked.

"I'm Sonia," you continue. "I'm helping Coach with the team."

The guy just stands there completely speechless, drooling over your naked body.

When he doesn't answer, you bend over to slip on your shorts, giving him a clear view of your perfect pussy.

"Oh my god!" he finally exclaims. "I think I've died and gone to heaven."

Do you:

Pi Pi Pi Applying Clothing


Rules 1-4
Fucks 0
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