Lucid dreams/Male/Dahlia walks in

From Create Your Own Story

Player Kevin: Welcome to Hidden Utopias, what is your choice for today?

???: I think I might have you today.

Player Kevin: Hello Dahlia.

In comes a short pale girl, wearing frills and a hoop skirt. This is Dahlia. She may look like a child, but she is actually well over 21. And she may look human, but she is a robot who was designed to look like a small girl for... Something about helping humans and there families. You don't fully remember her backstory and what her old job used to be, but that does not matter to you. What you want is some good fun with drunken sluts. And with Dahlia, that maybe possible, since her job now is a "escort" for people who need "special" care.

Dahlia: Hello Honey! Just here for a quick brake, so I only have enough time for one drink before I have to go back out there again.

SHIT! You can't get her drunk by one drink! No matter how strong it is!

Dahlia: You ok there, Honey? You look upset.

Crap! You forgot she can read other people very well. Have to calm down before she catches on your plan. She then looks at you with a smug face.

Dahlia: Are you upset that I can't stay for long?~ Oh Honey, I didn't know you liked me that much.~

Player Kevin: Wh-what would you like...?

She gives a smile as you lower your head to try and hide your blushing.

Dahlia: I know I often flirt at you, but that is just part of my job. I flirt with everyone, just to get them on my hook. If you want me to be your "lady for tonight", you have to pay me first. No ways around it. Plus I don't know what you are in to. And I think your the type who gets all embarrassed when you say them to others, which itself is cute in it's own way. You play the big bad hard man, but when you see someone you like and tell them, you become as shy and innocent as a little child, telling a girl you think she's pretty in front of everyone in the playground. That's what I like about you.

She then changes in to a cheerful tone with a smiling face filled with sunshine.

Dahlia: Oops! There I go again. Sorry. I'll have a Pink Fairy.

Player Kevin: *soft whimper*...

She's not completely wrong... That's why you want her drunk. Every time she talks to someone, she some how gets a run down on how a person feels about there sexuality and desires. But if you get her drunk, she will get all dizzy and should have trouble talking. You make her a Pink Fairy and give it to her.

Player Kevin: Here.

Dahlia: Thanks Honey. And Again, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. If it makes you feel better, I'll tell you about one of my client's requests. Nothing TOO smutty, that's against the rules of privacy.

Player Kevin: Ah, nothing juicy? Alright, fine. What is it?

Dahlia: I have to role-play as a man's daughter. Not sexually, as a real daughter. Tell him I love him, eat my dinner, play games with him and let him brush my hair. All kinds of father daughter stuff. Kind of reminds me of my old job.

Player Kevin: Don't you have to role-play as a lot of characters with your clients?

Dahlia: Yes, depending on what there fetishes are. Acting plays a big role in both my old and current job.

Player Kevin: Wait. Does that mean you have to fake your climaxes sometimes?

She slaps your shoulder with a offended look on her.

Dahlia: I maybe a robot, with a naughty job and have a lot of custom parts needed for some of my clients desires. But I never do something so shameful to them as that! No matter who or what they are, I will NEVER hurt any of there feelings! That's why I took this job. To help others, who can't help them self with life anymore.

Player Kevin: Ok, ok. I'm sorry. But if you care about them so much, why are your prices for your service so high?

She then gives you a dumbfounded look and says:

Dahlia: Finding new parts and repairs for my body are expensive as hell. I can't work if I can't move or have what I need. This job is not all that easy.

At that moment, her beeper goes off. She picks it up, finishes her drink, pays you and runs off, waving you good bye.

Dahlia: Got to go, may come back later if I have enough time.

Player Kevin: Later.

With her gone, your alone again. And still have not fucked anyone yet. How long must this shit keep on going? Can't someone else just walk through the door and- ... Steady there, Dahlia may come back in to pick up something she forgot and find out what you are after. If she does, she will no longer be a option for future plans. Just keep calm and wait. Someone should come by soon. You think.

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