I like you like that

From Create Your Own Story

"I like you like that." You say to him, blushing. "I've had a crush on you and I like you and I finally can confess but.." and he stops you from completing your sentence with a kiss. "I like you like that too.. I want you for myself... will you be mine?" he ask, blushing as he looks at you. You hug him and you begin to kiss again. "I see my little brother has got the guy of his dreams," you hear Marcus saying with a slight chuckle. "Marcus, what are you doing here?" Derick ask, looking at him. "Here to pick up my little brother, obviously. But I see that both of you need some alone time. I'll be at the Mall if you need me." Marcus say, gleefully. You and Derick look at him, and then each other and you begin to kiss again.

"You won't move out right?" Marcus ask curiously. "Of course not, besides where would I move out to?" You reply, laughing. "To your new boyfriend obviously," "Shut up." he smiles and so do you. "You won't mind if I bring a few friends right?" he ask, yawning. "Yeah sure if I can bring mine," you say, pointing at Mindy, Cynthia and Jacob. "Omgsh I heard you completed it in 5 minutes." Cynthia starts as soon as she comes to you. "Gosh, I took 10 minutes and after that I screamed like mad. My instructor was so shocked." Mindy say, sighing. "Well you have a talent for that but we don't but I'm sure we'll be able to complete initiation and go get jobs." Jacob says, eating a chicken nugget. "Do you think your parents will be there at ceremony tomorrow?" Mindy ask, tying her hair. "I think my will." "Mine will definitely go," "Gosh what if I get a bad rank? I'll be disgracing my family," each of them say. Hesitating, you reply them, "I don't think mine will be there..." "Aw don't be sad okay? You still have us," Cynthia say, in an attempt to cheer you up. You spend the rest of the day with them.

As you walk home with a drunk Marcus, you see a silhouette of someone. "Slim... Muscular... Derick." You say to yourself. "You're so observant like always." he says, chuckling. "BACK AWAY FROM HIM." Your drunk brother suddenly shout. "DON'T WORRY, I'LL PROTECT YOU." "Your brother is very funny when drunk." Back at your house, he kisses you as you kiss him back.

Waking up from your sleep, you see Derick, sleeping next to you. "Why do you even like me..." you ask yourself softly. You get out of your bed without waking Derick up, and you see your hangover brother sleeping. "Still... Maybe it'll just be a peek." You think, and grab his phone. You go through his phone and press the "Messages" application. The first message you see, unanswered, is a message from a contact called "Boss". You see that your brother and his boss have been arguing, about his work. "If you don't go for this job, you're fired." was the last unread message. You glance at your brother, and look back. "You know you're the cause of this... he isn't going to work so he can take care of you..." you say to yourself. You put his phone back down and you prepare for ceremony.

You dash out of the house in a hurry to get to the ceremony. At the ceremony you see people with their family, some of different factions. You look through the crowd but your parents are nowhere to be seen. "Of course they won't be here, Amethist hates violence, so obviously they won't be here." "Fearless people, please take your seats, the ceremony will begin in 5 minutes!" You hear Jordan's voice booming from the speaker.

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