D&D: It came from your right, where you left your things.

From Create Your Own Story

Your keen ears register a faint sound to the right, where you'd left your things. Initially you write off the nondescript sound as woodland creatures, but when you realize it's a bipedal footfall, you snap your eyes to your things. Your fears are confirmed - you see a small figure dash back into the brush the instant you turn around, and most of your things are gone. You nearly leap from the water, snatching the only weapons left, one of your rapiers, and give chase, your affinity for this sort of thing allowing you to pass through the occasional brier unharmed. Water drips off your naked body as you bound through the woods on the trail of the little rogue's footfalls, ample breasts bouncing around chaotically. It aches, but it's a small price to pay to retrieve your clothes.

A crash. Something has taken a spill just ahead of you. Beside an ancient oak, you see the rear end of a small humanoid sticking up, its foot apparently having caught under the root. The little devil was a good sneaker, you'll give him that, but had little aptitude for the forest. You draw your sword from its sheathe and approach cautiously. Kobolds were notorious for carrying splash potions of various cruel afflictions; liquid fire that burned without burning, acids that would melt flesh, glue orbs that could immobilize even eight-foot-tall half-orcs. As you get closer, you can finally see just who, or what, the culprit is.

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