Triforce/Open the chest!

From Create Your Own Story

You open the chest and wait for the light to blind your eyes and the music to start!......

...but it doesn't...

Peering down at the chest, it appears empty. Where is the shield?

"Hey you!" you hear from behind. "What are you doin with our chest! Did you steal something?"

"No!" you reply to the Kokiri villager. The villager approaches you.

"Why- there was a shield in this chest! You stole it!"

"I did not!" you shout in reply. More villagers arrive, surrounding you.

"Then you broke it then! Our own shield, crafted from the fine Deku tree, and it's gone forever. And you did it!"

"I did not!" you shout louder.

"Oh yea?!"


You see the crowd around you is withdrawing slingshots and Deku seeds. You notice that there's a Deku seed at your foot- what do you do?


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