Piggy's Day/Watch a game on TV

From Create Your Own Story

You then recall having set up the evening to watch a game of chessboxing on TV with a few friends. That same evening Swine, your old buddy from work Mike, another friend of yours, Indiana Stark, and one of Mike's friends, Theodor Rigby are all gathered on the living room couch, sharing a vat on popcorn. The match starts with four minutes of chess, and alternates between that and two minutes of boxing.

Theodor: "Ugh, what a newbie. I would have castled at that point."

Indiana: "Man, why is the boxing part only two minutes long?"

Theodor: "Well, the game is purposefully desinged to alternate between two very different sports, so that...."

Piggy: "C'mon you guys, shut up! I need to hear the announcer."

The two players soon switch to boxing.

Swine: "Oh, now things are starting to happen!"

The players take out everything that was left unclear in the chess portion.

Mike: "Kill him!"

Theodor: "There's an excellent punch!"

One player constantly beats the other on the stomach, and his opponent then falls over from exshaustion.

Indiana: "Bah, only 13 strikes and he falls down? What a whimp."

Mike: "I think that's a knockout."

Piggy: "What? A knockout!?"

You then remember that you had 5000 dollars bet against the match ending in a knockout.

Piggy: "Oh, hell...."

You leave the room, and go outside, complaining how life isn't fair. Soon enough your guests find that you've gone and lied down in the gutter, and put on a hobo shirt.

Piggy: "Err.... Life stinks. Everyone has abandoned me..."

Indiana: "Uuh, Piggy, I think you should come inside. We're somewhat worried about you.

Piggy: "NO! I'll stay right here, laying in this gutter until I get pneumonia and DIE. Then we'll see who was right!"

Indiana: "But you were born out of a tin can, you can't even have pneumonia!"

Piggy: "Then I'll RUST!"

Theodor: "Allright, that's it - you're going to get a job to pay off that debt."

Your friends grab you by the limbs and drag you down to the employment agency.

Piggy: "NOOOOOOO-"

At the employment agency you've given up struggling, and gained some sanity.

Piggy: "*Sigh* You guys are right, I do need a job. According to the register, the only available job is for a social worker."

Theodor: "A social worker is a fine job! You could help out people going through rough times."

Piggy: "I'M going through rough times!"

Swine: "Okay, how about a toilet tester?"

Piggy: "Are you mental?"

Indiana: "How about you start running a zombie-killing course?"

Piggy: "I think zombies kill enough people as it is."

Mike: "A jehova's witness?"

Piggy: "That's... not a job."

Indiana: "Ah, don't worry, with enough entrepreneurship we'll surely find you work."

Piggy: "Entrepreneurship? Hey, there's an idea! I'll start my own business!"

You run out of the building, giggling manically. Soon enough, you've set up for yourself a stand in your front yard to sell food. The first thing you're selling is a plate of jelly you made, for 1$. Your first customer, a young stick-man girl, comes up and asks:

Stick-man girl: "What can I get for 5 cents?"

You answer:

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