
From Create Your Own Story

" looks like you are...a totodile! Totodiles are quiet little water creatures, but they evolve into strong and fearsome fighters. This suits you very well. And now, your journey begins. Good luck."

"Wait!" you say as you feel the presence start to retreat. "I have questions."

"Don't worry, you won't be alone. You'll have a partner." And the presence is gone. A partner? you wonder, but suddenly things begin to change. The darkness starts to lift and you can feel someone poking you.

"Hey, are you okay? Hey, c'mon, wake up - it's not safe to sleep here. C'mon, get up."

You open your eyes, blinking hard against the bright sunlight, until a shadow falls over you and you look up into the worried face of a teenage pikachu, the yellow mouse pokemon nudging you with his paw.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake," he says. "We have to get out of here before someone finds us."

"What? Where am I?" you ask, startled when you don't recognize your own voice. You sit up, staring down at yourself in shock. You're a little, blue crocodile! You hold your hands up to your face, feeling your long snout, no ears, no hair, your head covered in ridged scales. "What the fuck!" you shout, jumping up and nearly falling on your face as your tail swings wildly, knocking you off balance.

"What's the matter?" the pikachu asks, scampering back like he's afraid of you.

"I- I'm - I'm a pokemon!" you say.

"Yeah, so? Me, too," he says. "So's everybody else around here."

"But I'm a human," you say. "At least, I used to be." You look down at yourself again and shake your head. What the hell is going on?

"Human, huh?" the pikachu says, looking at you like you've lost your mind. "You look like a regular totodile to me. What's your name?"

"Carl," you say and he laughs.

"That's a funny name for a totodile," he says, "but I like it. Everybody calls me Static - I tend to give off shocks when I rub against things, but I'm hoping I'll outgrow that when I evolve." He gives you a curious look for a moment. "So, what're you doing out here all by yourself?"

"I don't know--" you say, but are interrupted by an anguished scream.

"Help! Somebody help me! My baby!"

"Someone's in trouble!" Static says. "C'mon, let's go see if we can help."

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