Marie Carpenter/Sneak into a hiding spot

From Create Your Own Story

The guy continues to approach. He is holding a very strange-looking weapon in the crook of his arm. It has something that looks like a stock, could be a gun, but it is shaped more like a box. There is a small lightning bolt symbol on the side. As he stumbles on your little 'campsite', he mumbles, "Well fuck me. Somebody had a bad day." He starts looking around, humming a tune that sounds like some sort of rock song. He finds the boy's gun and your bags of supplies. Poking the bag you shredded for bandages, he mumbles, "Wonder what happened here. Oh well, more stuff for me. A real gun I can use, the stupid manual for this thing didn't even tell me how to turn the safety off..." Then the idiot starts singing the same song from earlier. You roll your eyes. He is attracting far too much attention to stay alive for long. Maybe he's insane. You could lay low and not risk getting hurt, but you might need the supplies he just took.

Character: Marie Carpenter
Alive: 48 students
Hours Remaining: 71
Weapons Aquired: Knife
Friends: None...yet
Kills: Trisha Harrison, Harold Bentley

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