Downfall/Refuse to do it

From Create Your Own Story

"I said no, Cate. That's my last word. I cannot and I will not suck on your breasts, not even when my life depended on it."

"Well, it does," Cate snaps, " but thanks for making it sound like a sexual pass when my tits fucking hurt. And double thanks for not helping me, I really appreciate that." She gets on her feet and walks away.

"Cate! Cate! Wait! What do you think you are doing? You can't wander off in the dark."

"Just lying there, doing nothing, kills me. I have to do something against the pain, and I don't want to see your face." When you make attempts to stand up yourself, she adds: "Don't stop me, Jules. I'm not in the mood."

"You are irresponsible. You'll get lost, and you won't find back to the camp. Can't you see-"

"I won't hear nothing of this." And with that, she storms off before you can prevent her from getting away. The dark swallows, and you can't see where she was headed.

State of Clothing T-Shirt; Shorts; Panties


Inventory Bra; Sneakers
Surroundings Bonfire; Roof
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