PAGNM: Walk to school. You'll be late, but you'll get there.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:38, 10 January 2011 by Teejay (Talk | contribs)
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You begin walking slowly in the direction of school, still grumpy about the loss of your purse.

You're engrossed in your morose thoughts and don't even notice the van pulling up next to you until a honk gets your attention. A white-colored van with tinted windows. The passenger window rolls downward about a third of the way and a male voice comes through it. You can't really get a look inside.

"Need a lift, young lady?" the voice calls out cheerfully. You look around and see the street is deserted... a perfect place to be kidnapped?

Modesty 8 Partners:

None; you're still a virgin!

Condoms 0
Age 18

Click to start over: A portrait of an American Girl Named Myra


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