I’m telekinetic

From Create Your Own Story

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You managed to get,"Hi,l'm Jack",before being rudely interupted by a boy wearing a black and yellow costume who gets into Elixir's face and was being backed up by a group of other teens who're wearing the same colors as he was,you noticed that Elixir and the un-named boy were fixing to fight and not wanting anyone to get into trouble,you push yourself in between the two boys before being flinged harshly to the ground by the un-named boy.

When you landed awkwardly,you scraped your hands and not really thinking about it,you "pushed" the boy rather hard and he would have hit the side of the school if he hadn't been stopped mid-air by a lady wearing white who seemed to be rather crossed and heading your way. You push yourself up and were dusting your pants when the white lady came up to you and Elixir and demanded that you two explain yourselves which you did but you got the idea that the lady didn't really believe you until a male voice broke in by saying "My...My...My,Emma,can't you control your little boytoy and you looked around to see a man in his late twenties coming towards you with a amused smile on his lips.

"I happened to look out the window to see a crowd gathered down here and all of a sudden Julian here was being thrown back by this boy","Emma" pointed at you and you began to speak up only to be forcefully shut down by the lady when you and Elixir tried to defend yourselves. "Now,Emma,let the boys speak for themselves",the man said and with a rather harsh glare that said "speak",first Elixir and then you recounted what had happened.

"Emma",the amusement was gone and a coldness had wrapped itself around his voice as the man spoke, "You were told on many occasions to reign in your "pupils",were you not?" Emma said "Yes" and shivered when the man cupped her face and continued by saying "Make sure that this does not happen again" and she nodded as the man turned towards Julian and harshly said "What you did was wrong,apologized to the boys",frightfully Julian did that though you noticed that he did not mean it at all and apparently so did the man but he let the two go without further words, with Emma and Julian "talking".

"Now",the lightness had returned to his voice as he turned around to face you and Elixir,"Allow me to interduce myself,l'm Jay though people tend to call me by my codename Wolverine or Wolvie",he said as he grabbed Elixir in a head-lock and ruffled his hair as you squeakingly said "Jack".

"Ah,you are the new kid that One-Eye said that we were expecting",your confusion must have shown as Elixir said that Mr. Summers was known by a variant of "nicknames",most that had been given by Jay himself and Jay was about to say something more when a voice cut in. "JAMES LEWIS HOWLETT",and you see a drop dead gorgeous readhead heading your guys' way,Jay groaned as Elixir and you unconciously stepped back.

Without missing a beat,the redhead said "Freeze" to you and Elixir and both of you froze in your spots as she turned to Jay and said "What the hell happened?" Jay said "Julian decided to flex some "muscle" and try to get the one-up on Elixir and the new kid,he points at you,decided to step in". And the redhead turns to a nervous looking you and Elixir anad indicates that she is waiting for your versions of the story. "Well...",you hesitately began when yet another voice cuts in and says "Perhaps if we could continue this in my office?" and you look around to find the person who was talking when Elixir grabbed your shoulder and said quietly that was Charles Xavier,the principal and founder of the school and teams. Jay said "Well,the boss wants us in his office,lets not keep him waiting" as the four of you trudge towards the man's office.

After a few minutes,you stand before a bald-headed man in a wheelchair who did not look happy,not at all as first Jay and then Elixir told their side of the story. Then everyone's attention turned to you and you looked like a deer caught in the headlights as Charles calmly said that "he simply wanted to hear your side".

You tell the truth

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