Vladimir explains the situation
From Create Your Own Story
“Isn’t it obvious Sharon?”
Vladimir takes a deep breath, inhaling the heavy smell of animal musk.
“A demon was here.”
“B, b, b, but that’s impossible! Demons can´t pass into the human world!” You exclaim.
“They can actually, although not for long. This nun she has only been pregnant for nine hours. The demon planted his seed inside her last night then returned to hell.”
The words reach your ears and you watch the nun with amazement in your eyes. The hugely swollen stomach, the frozen terror in her eyes, it was all the work of a demon. A legionary of Satan, an angel in your eyes. A fiend most unholy, an evil spirit which you worship and long for. It came here an impregnated this woman. With a shaky hand you reach out to touch her bloated stomach, revering and lusting for the half breed growing inside.
“This is… news most glorious. Here in this church a demon defiled the will of God and made one of his women carry his foul seed.” You say with a stuttering voice. The knowledge steams in your head. Your young fertile body is reacting to this fact, wanting to breed, fuck and sin in the name of Satan. You have never been honored like this before, been deemed worthy to stand next to a developing half breed, implanted into his mother by force and joining the human and Demon races.
The heat rising in your body is to great, your knees buckle and you are sent kneeling to the floor, feeling awfully small and insignificant in the grandeur surrounding you
Vladimir chuckles pleasingly, his cool exterior seems to never fade. But there is obvious joy on his face that you never seen before. God´s weakness humoring him.
“Yes this is a place most unholy. This child must be delivered. It will lead us into the new world we will create by summoning the Demon into this world through our ritual.”
“When will the child be born?” You ask most gracefully.
“Not sure when, can’t be longer than a week.” His words fill you with red, hot joy.
“I will protect it Master, with my insignificant life if necessary, for the glory of Satan.” You say with utter devotion.
“Good, good but that´s not why I brought you here.”
Your get up from the floor and look at him with perplexed eyes. “Master?”
“She isn’t the only nun here.”
You tilt your head a bit, like a wondering dog looking at its master.
“There are others nuns who weren´t defiled by the Demon. My point is, this is such a glorious moment for us. We must give praise to Satan by corrupting the nuns left unspoiled!”
“Yes!” You agree with loud enthusiasm.
“The nuns are hiding in the underground crypts located directly beneath us. There are virtually a maze of different chambers and crypts below this church. I already sent some men in to hunt them down but its taking too long.”
“I will hunt them down for you Master.” You dutifully say and find that the doorway leading to the maze below is located near the church’s pulpit.
“Wait there´s more.” Vladimir announces and walk to one of the boxes and opens it. From it he retrieves the defiler, a fossil Demon´s cock legendary within your cult. You almost feel obligated to kneel before it. It was found during an archeological dig in Al-hadar Iraq and somehow made its way to your cults where it’s worshiped like a saint. The priceless artifact has been turned into a strap-on, with straps attached to its base.
“Get naked.”
“Yes Master.”
You remove all your clothes, enjoying being naked next to Vladimir who personally straps the cock to your hips.
“What do you think Sharon?”
“It’s a very intimidating and masculine cock Master.”
The defiler is a truly majestic looking phallus. The shaft stands a massive 12 inch long and is covered with veins, pores and rough bulges, making for a very uneven surface. The same can be said for the bulbous cockhead, it’s menacingly looking spiky bulges must make for some really painful intercourse. Even more impressive is the sheer girth of the cock, you can’t even get your hand around it! More surprisingly when you touch the shaft it feels warm! Suddenly it pulsates in your hand!
“Yeeeiippp!” You yell in surprise.
“Hahaha you didn’t think it was a normal cock did you Sharon?”
The meaning of Vladimir’s words is mysterious to you as you continue to stare in surprise at the pulsating penis.
“It’s alive Sharon.”
“You mean?”
“Yes the cock still feels even after its owner has been long dead, it’s not intelligent, more like a tool if anything, but the demonic powers still remains.”
Suddenly you feel yourself shuddering, the implications that Vladimir’s words have are too much for your tiny brain.
“And you want me… to use this to break the nuns?”
“Exactly, it’s my gift to you.”
“This slave is honored Master, and she swears her eternal loyalty to you.” You say, feelings of utter devotion to him can be found in your words.
“I know you are.” He coolly says. “Oh and I almost forgot, the boxes are filled with any sex toys or equipment you may need to break the nuns, all the men in this church are also at your disposal. Now go, hunt down the rest of the nuns.”
“Are there whips Master?”
“Of course there are.”
You go over the boxes, the demonic cock dangling from your hips, and fetch a long bullwhip that will be useful in controlling the nuns whit. You run of towards the maze entrance but then turn and ask Vladimir. “What will you do Master?”
“Me… I’m going to destroy all these crosses.”