Have the redhead straddle your face

From Create Your Own Story

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"There seems to be a tasting theme going on here," you say.

The redhead tilts her head at you and her eyes widen and the corners of her lips curl. "Beatles fan, are we? Well well."

She moves her knees forward tenderly on the concrete until they are by your ribs, her sex positioned to lower to your mouth. Her legs are spread wide to go around your chest and your arms are pressed against your sides. "Always a little awkward to start off," she says, glancing down at you behind her ass a little embarrassedly, "these first times with strange rocketmen in the middle of the road, eh?"

In response you growl "Blast off," wrap your arms over the tops of her thighs, and pull her crotch down to your lips. "Oh oh!" she says, as your tongue makes the first pass between her pussy lips. Her hips dart up an inch or two. "Ooh. God. Feeling a bit.. sensitive."

You raise your head and lick her backside. The pain from your fall is completely forgotten. Oh yeah, except for your swollen dick which is crying UNCLE in the full-nelson of your trousers.

"Loosen my pants could you? It's fucking tight down there." She chuckles at fucking tight and says something that sounds like "not the only one". You start giving her little kisses and licks where you can reach, on the underside of her thighs and some on her ass. Her skin tastes of well-bathed girl, gorgeous, somehow lucid, the tiny, almost invisible hairs tickling your lips and tongue. "And bring that ass back down. My tongue isn't as long as my cock."

"Oh?" breathes the redhead, a jumpy, urgent tone now in her voice. "Not as long as your cock huh? I think I'll be the judge of that." As her pussy lowers again to kissing distance, you feel her hands rub on the excruciatingly tight fabric crushing your crotch. "Oh my god," you moan, and take a long suck at her pussy. You feel new sudden wetness and press your mouth against it, her taste and smell filling you.

"Omigod omigod," she moans, and then says "This has got to come out," and you feel her fumbling at your belt and zipper. You start using some tricks, going deep with your tongue and twitching the tip inside, pinching a single pussy lip between yours, stretching your tongue at her clit; going heavy and then light. You go mostly by feel, your world become blinders of cream thigh and ass, the earthly smells of redhead precome, grass, tar and gravel.

Meanwhile she is having a little trouble with your trousers. "Jesus, how do you get it in there?" Between licks you say "It's not that big when I get dressed in the morning," then, "well.. not usually.. Oh!" You almost shout. She seems to have gotten the jeans undone and she's brushing her palms over the head of your cock in your underwear. "Nice color in the briefs," she says (you don't like white, so boring, especially at moments like these). "Oh my god! Oh god it feels good!" Her hands on you for a moment more, and the pressure off your cock is gone, you can feel the cool breeze over it.

"I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come" you groan, and then you feel the spurt shooting up your shaft. You hold on to her thighs over your head and press your cheek into her cunt, shouting into her ass, then turning your head to suck and lick indiscriminately at whatever flesh is next to your mouth. Her hands are pumping your coming cock, over the head and rubbing come down the shaft and over your skin below your navel. She's breathing hard and mewing as you tongue her with the abandon of your orgasm.

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