The Cage- Don't Volunteer2

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll do it," the Professional-Looking Woman says. "Let's get this over with."

The Speaker smiles. "Excellent! Because you volunteered first, you get to pick someone to challenge. Here's how this works: whomever you challenge gets to pick what kind of contest it is. It's either a straight-up duel or a popularity contest. Duels are simple: whoever dies first loses. Popularity contests are simple, too: the other folks in the Cage vote one of you off the island. In the event of a tie, we default to a duel."

"Whoever dies loses. The winner gets to tag the next challenger and then goes on to the winner's circle. People in the winner's circle can't be challenged. Once the last player enters the winner's circle, it empties out except for the new winner. The new winner then tags a new challenger and the contest continues."

"I've got some special good news for you, though: your initiative has won you the first round! In reward for your initiative, you get to sit the first round out. We like initiative, see. Initiative, initiative, initiative. This is a special one-time prize, yours because you had the stones to speak up before everyone else. Sorry, everyone else. What's your name, Mary Jane?"

"Mrs. Baker." Her eyes are narrow, her jaw set. She's trying hard not to look afraid. She's doing well.

"Well, Mrs. Baker, welcome to the winner's circle! Come on, give her a hand!" The Speaker claps. No one else does.

"Now that you're safe and sound in the winner's circle, you get to choose who to tag. This person will be able to challenge anyone in here except you."

Mrs. Baker looks around the room carefully. She eventually points at you.

Do you challenge:

Current Status

  • Confused
  • Really Afraid
  • Hungry/Thirsty-ish

Inside the Cage

  • You
  • Brandon
  • Teenage Boy
  • Middle Aged Man
  • Mrs. Baker (Winner's Circle)
  • Girl in Sorority Shirt
  • Five Coffins

Outside the Cage

  • The Speaker
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