Hungrily rip open the box and start eating

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:14, 4 June 2010 by PigeonTooth (Talk | contribs)
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You tear open the package and with ravenous glee, begin shoving Poptarts into your mouth! People point and stare but you don't care. You've never felt this hungry in your life.

After several minutes and 6 Poptarts you suddenly realize you cant breath.

You are choking!

You struggle to clear your throat to no avail. You attempt to perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself bus only succeed in making yourself vomit.

Finally, turning blue, you crumple to the ground in a slurry of vomit and Poptart crumbs.

You are dead and no one cares because your life was worthless.

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