Put on the police uniform

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:50, 20 May 2010 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)
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The cop uniform isn’t exactly a perfect fit. It certainly wasn’t designed for someone with such a large chest as yours. Your big tits mash up against the uniform, emphasizing your absurdly large breasts. You unbutton the top of your uniform so that the full round mounds of your tits above your nipples can be seen. Hopefully offering some generous cleavage will deter attention from your face. You also borrow a nearby headband which you use to tie your hair into a ponytail for a more professional look. Lastly there is the cute police cap which fits so perfectly on your head.

Your priorities are to escape the police station and kidnap that bitch cop who brought you here. She publicly humiliated you! There is no way she can escape unpunished. You will violate her and then make her a sacrifice for your cult. Although you are burning with the thirst for vengeance you’ve cannot remember the last time you feel this calm. You feel like you could trick god. The police will never see it coming.

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