Invisible/Girl: Visit the clock shop

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The clerk at the clock shop has been bothering you for a long time. To you, a stereotypical clock shop keeper is a nice old man, and it just annoys the hell out of you that this one is not. He's a middle aged guy who acts like a total snob. He even wears a top hat. So you sneak into his shop... or walk, actually, and start looking around.

The man is just standing there. Isn't he supposed to be fixing a watch, or something? Maybe he doesn't have anything to fix? So useless! There's an old tallcase clock by a wall... You walk to it, and slowly pull it over. Before the man has time to realize what's happening, it already falls down and smashes heavily into the showcase on the main counter.

The man screams in panic and anger, and then starts to call the cops. By resisting your urge to whisper "Who you gonna call?" to his ear, you hit the cellphone so hard that he doesn't even realize what that was. It flies outside the shop, and people start to curiously peek in. The man starts waving around as if he had seen a ghost, so you back off and leave the room. The teenage girls giggle at the crazily acting man. After a while, someone calls the cops anyway.

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