S413 Let the scientist lead you out of the room

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 13:42, 2 April 2010 by RandyRift (Talk | contribs)

You get off the cot and stand still while the man opened the door. “after you.” You leave the room, turn left, and take in the white hallway that stretches out far before and behind you. The man in the lab coat stands beside you and starts walking. You go along trying to figure things out in your head. There are no windows to the outside so you assume you are underground. There are many doors along the sides of the hallway, similar to the one you came from. You could not see into the rooms well because of glare from the many fluorescent tubes lighting the facility.

As you turn a corner, you see a security guard leaning against the wall holding his gun. You are too far away to make a move and it would not end well anyway.

Finally, the man stops by a bigger door. It was opened; you and the man enter. The room you go into is huge. The man holding your leash tells you that you should go to the restroom first and wash your hands. He points to the door and takes off the collar. You find this odd but do what he says.

When you walk into the unisex restroom the first thing that catches your eye is the mirror. You move closer to look at yourself and see…

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