Fire at a solider sitting on the tank

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:53, 20 March 2010 by James Bondage (Talk | contribs)
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You aim carefully for one of the men sitting on the tank just as the convoy is coming into the ambush zone. He's bouncing with the tank, but it's nothing you can't compensate for. You take aim at a young looking Soviet sitting at the back of the tank. You aim directly for his heart, and fire.

The loud roar of the tank almost drowns out the report of your rifle, and it certainly drowned out the sound of the man you shot falling from the tank. One of his comrade notices him fall, and shouts for the tank to stop, the last mistake he'll ever live to make. The tank stops and your comrades begin to fire, before the Soviets even realize their man had been shot.

A crippling barrage of automatic fire peppered the convoy as your fellow mujaheddin open fire with AK-47s and RPD machine guns. A rocket propelled grenade strikes the tank, sending a cloud of smoke billowing from it and a few soldiers sprawling to the ground. The Soviet infantry scatter, trying to use the tank as cover. The foot soldiers start firing blindly into the sand-dunes, desperate. You spot the officer in the jeep shouting and waving at the driver to get out of their, just as a burst of gunfire shreds the man in the driver's seat. The officer pushes the body out of the jeep, and takes the wheel.

Next target;

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