TBE: Do as Nelly says, and pick up the platter

From Create Your Own Story

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Nelly seems to know you, and seems to think you work here. It might be best if you just went along with it for now, and then you could ask your questions of her later. Besides, what’s a little waitressing going to hurt?

You scoop up the platter easily hefting it, and lift it awkwardly to your shoulder as the other girls seem to do. You even manage a slight curtsey toward Nelly, before you push through the double-doors and enter the riotous common room. The room is filled mostly with men, but some rough-looking women, talking, shouting, playing cards or dice. Besides the serving girls, there are a couple of other women who look, you think, to be prostitutes. They have their hair in fancy plaits atop their heads, and are wearing very colorful, if very revealing, clothing. They move around the room, sitting on the laps of men, and women, and calling for drinks from the bar.

There appear to be two kinds of serving girls, those who work from the bar and those who work from the kitchens. There is no order to how either works. Patrons call out for food or drink, and the nearest kitchen or bar girl brings it to them, takes their coins and then moves on to the next customer.

“Meat!” a voice yells, and you are spurred into action. You begin to make your way to a table, and immediately feel hands on your body. Some men are grabbing at your ass, others at your breasts. You look around to see other serving girls being similarly mauled, but no one says anything. Some of them deftly avoid the hands, slapping playfully and then dodging away from the men and women grabbing them.

As you are watching, and trying to avoid having your clothes ripped off, a husky woman puts both her hands on your hips and pulls you into her lap.

“Give us a kiss, love,” the woman says. Her breath reeks of beer, but she’s easily as strong as a man.

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