Spend the night in the castle

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:10, 6 November 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)

You decide to spend the night in the castle. No way you'll be caught on the road with night approaching!

You walk over to the castle. The only way in seems to be the front door. There are no windows on this level that you could squeeze through. Fortunately, the portcullis is up, but the entrance is blocked by huge wooden double doors. Not that surprising, really. You pull at one of them. Nothing. You pull at the other. After a few moments of effort, the door creaks open slowly.

The first few rooms you check are empty. At last you open the door to a furnished room. It seems to have been a sitting room at some point. There's a single window in the wall- more of a slit than anything else. The light's getting poor, but you can see that harsh chairs line the room, and tapestries adorn the walls. A divan in the corner looks soft enough to get some rest on. You wonder why this place hasn't been looted. Some of the stuff in here is still kind of nice.

You decide to use this room as a base for the night. You close the door, tear a tapestry off the wall to use a blanket, and settle down. It's hard getting to sleep. The warnings of the villagers keep running through your head, and you have to keep reassuring yourself that it's perfectly safe. Eventually, you drift off to sleep.

Your dreams are very troubled. You dream that you're falling, and your boss turns into a grotesque monster. You dream that he's chasing you through the woods towards a castle, this one, but you don't want to go in. Still, there's no where else to go. Inside, there's nothing but darkness, and shrieking.

You wake with a start. The door to your room is open, and it creaks on its hinges. The full moon illuminates the room. For a second you're relieved at waking, until you see the man standing next to your divan. He smiles at you as you stare up at him. His teeth look... almost sharp, and you hope it's just a trick of the moonlight. "Good evening," he says. "It's so nice to get visitors. It's been so long."

"Who are you?" you ask. He just grins broader. His teeth are unnaturally sharp. You shrink away from him. "What are you? Are you going to kill me?" you ask.

"I think you already know, and yes," he says. "But I'll make it easy on you."

As he leans toward you, the world goes fuzzy and pink. As you feel the life being drained out of you, you almost don't care.

You have died.

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