Ignore him. You're experiencing the best thing that ever happened to you

From Create Your Own Story

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You ignore him. You don't need him interrupting this. "Hello?" complains Timothy.

You finally get done. "That was awesome!" you say.

"Yeah," says Alice.

"Now that you're done," says Timothy, "I'd like to talk to you in private."
"Okay, fine," you tell him. You walk a short distance away.
"Your new girlfriend's friend over there is fat!" whines Timothy.
"You're kind of fat too!" you tell him.
"Come on, she looks like a dyke!"
"I thought you liked uptight, Asian chicks with mohawks?" you lecture him.
"Just the mohawk part!" he whines.
"Okay I understand you," you explain to him, "I'll help you find a better girlfriend, just don't blow this for me, alright?"
"Okay Fine!" he says!
"Let's get inside," you say. You walk over to Alice and the fat Asian.

"Let's go inside," you say. You all go inside, handing your tickets to the ticket dude. Right away, Marilyn Manson[1] pops onstage singing, "Cake and Sodomy."[2] "Dude this is awesome!" you yell excitedly.

"Dude I'm hungry," the Asian chick and Timothy say together.

"Me too," says Alice.

What do you do?

Do you:

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Zune, lunch, lollipop, a pocket knife

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Goth
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Alice Vendo
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