Spread your legs wide and masturbate in the Lamborghini

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:18, 13 September 2009 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)

You hike up your skirt and pull your panties off. Now that your fuckhole is free you pull down the windshield and let your right leg rest on the cars window for a great view of your sex.

Always being the dirty girl you begin to harshly rub your clit before letting your fingers pump your twat. Having a ferocious pace you finger fuck yourself utilizing tree fingers to put pressure on your G-spot, you let your other hand stimulate your clitoris. As you moaned and tossed your head a bit inside the expensive Lamborghini you quickly approach orgasm. You kept the up the pace at orgasm and then began to squirt clear liquid all over the front passage seat for a long extensive climax. Surprisingly your mind didn’t register it but during your whole orgasm you were moaning Vladimir’s name.

Vladimir chuckles a bit and you relax enjoying the moment, not really thinking about anything for the rest of the journey. ……………………………………

“What is this place?”

Vladimir drives into a building that on the outside looks like any normal construction but on the inside only is a big garage. All of the cars are expensive and from prestigious brands. Vladimir hands over the car to a young girl in a uniform who is definitely too sexy for this kind of work, she should be on the cover of magazines not parking cars.

You head for an elevator, yet despite being on the ground floor you go down, far down into the underground. Thing get even weirder when the lift stops and you and Vladimir enter a long hallway. But now things get weird, along the hallways walls are several women with big breast displayed like hunting trophies. Their body’s end at the midsection and looking closer you notice how they seem stuffed like wild animals yet have an eerie sense of realism.

“Ignore them says Vladimir, they are only decorations.”

At the end of the hallway there is a door, Vladimir opens the door and Simultaneously opens up a whole new world for you.


This place is surrounded in myth, it’s sometimes mentioned in several gossip magazines but no hard evidence has proven its existence. It’s a place where the wealthy and beautiful go, it’s the “Mistress bar”. The bar is far underground and built like a dome. The floor is alive with domes and slaves partying in perverse pleasure. You see flogging, ass eating, strap on fucking, all the good stuff being performed in the open. You notice tree giant balconies dominating the ceiling, like if those who were up there were somehow superior to their counterparts on the main floor.

Vladimir addresses you. “I’m sure you heard the rumor about this place, this is the mistress bar, a place where the wealthy, rich, famous and female come to live out their BDSM fantasies. When I was fucking all the lead A-celebrities in the 70 and 80 I noticed that many of them had sick and twisted fantasies, they just didn’t have a common place to live out those fantasies. So I created this place, all the big named girls in the showbussnis, music industry, modeling have set their foot her at one time or another. Other than that, several filthy rich women are also regular visitors. Until recently men were not allowed down here but recently a vote was cast that let men serve as studs, but they have no real power down here. ”

Vladimir takes a deep breath then points at the tree giant balconies in the ceiling.

“Do you see those balconies?”

You nod.

“In this place you are ether a Mistress or a slave, the ratio is approximately five slaves for each mistress. The goal is for the mistresses to acquire as many slaves as possibly which can be done true various challenges and tests of one’s sexual prowess. If a mistress loses all her slaves she can herself be forced to become a slave. The tree most powerful women in the bar each receive one of those balconies for her own private harem.”

Vladimir stops to judge your reaction. You are of course stunned, who would have thought the social elite were into these kinds of perversities.

“Listen very closely Sharon I want you to join one of the balcony mistresses and help her in taking down the opposition. I want at least one of the balcony mistresses to become a sacrificial victim at the ceremony. Do you understand?

“Y, yes” you reply with doubt in your voice.

“Good! Now the females in the balconies are Ashanti Yvel (The president for a notorious rap company) Jasmin Escobar (Heiress to a massive drug empire) and Lady Victoria Nelson (Don’t know who she is, but if she has lady in her name she must be high class) One thing more take this.” Vladimir gives you a belt with a V on it. ”It symbolizes that you are my property and shouldn’t be harassed” You put on the belt.

A fine young wench approaches you; she is spot naked with the words information girl tattooed on her forehead.

“I will leave you now Sharon, I trust you will not disappoint, but tread lightly, these women don’t fuck around!” Vladimir leaves and you are left with information girl, you suppose that you could ask her questions.

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