Maybe we could work something out in trade?

From Create Your Own Story

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You smile a similar, mischevious grin to Tina's, breath in deeply, drawing attention to your own impressive chest, and say, "Maybe we could work something out in trade?"

Tina's eyes meet yours, then fall to your chest, then back to your eyes. You can clearly see her desire increase, and almost immediately, her nipples harden under her sport bra.

"Oh," she says, and licks her slightly parted lips, "What did you have in mind?"

Still holding her hand, you bring it to your lips and give it a small kiss.

"Well," you say, as you look up into her eyes. "If we're going to be roommates, we should get to know each other better."

You kiss each of her knuckles, the soft skin smooth on your lips, then turn her hand over and begin to kiss her finger-tips. Tina moans softly, her eyelids fluttering.

"I . . . I totally . . . agree . . . mmmmm," she moans.

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