Pokemon: Start in Johto

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:06, 1 June 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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The morning air of New Bark Town is filled with the scent of plants. Spring has come early this year and numerous Sunflora and Sunkern are frolicing around happily. Aipoms leap from tree to tree, demonstrating their incredible litheness. Bug Pokemon such as Caterpie, Wurmple and Weedle poke their heads out of the tall grass to catch a glance of the person who's loud, rattling bike is disturbing their sleep. In the tall grass nearby, several Sentret and Rattata weave in and out busily, shedding off the fat they stored up for the winter.

But now is not the time to worry about those things. Instead, your attention is focused on the hill that Professor Elm's lab rests on. You sigh as you pedal uphill. Perhaps you shouldn't have just eaten a loaf of bread for breakfast this morning, but hey, you were far too excited to be recieving your first Pokemon. You barely slept last night in anticipation.

You snap out of your thoughts when your bike lurches forward and you topple off.


You rub your throbbing head and slowly open your eyes to come face to face with a Tangela whose vines are tangled around the wheels of your bike, bringing it to an abrupt halt. Another glance causes you to realize that you ran over one of the vine-like tentacles of the Pokemon.

"Taaann..." the Pokemon growls, narrowing her eyes.

"...GAH!" you let out and leap back as you realize that she's released Stun Spore.

As you scamper backwards as quickly as a trapped Rattata you feel something hard hit your side. Glancing down, you notice a large brown briefcase and nearby is the one and only Professor Elm. Even at one glance, anyone could tell that he has been attacked by a wild Pokemon.

"...Wait... if he's here...he must have Pokemon I can use..." you realize.

Your eyes travel to the briefcase and you grab it and dash a few feet away from the Tangela. Flipping it open in one smooth movement, you see three Pokeballs, each labeled.

You grab the one labeled:

Health N/A Pokémon:


Level N/A
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