Ask for some clothes.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:08, 5 April 2009 by Scuzzy21us (Talk | contribs)

Status: Naked & Humiliated

You begin to sob, and curl into ball on the seat, draping the towel over you.

The woman comes to your side, and through tears, you tell her what happened to you, how humiliated you felt, and how you just want something to wear and to go home.

She goes down below, and returns with her dress. She is now wearing a bathing suit.

You take the tissue she offers you, and wipe your eyes. After a moment, you thank her, and put on her dress.

The man comes up wearing his bathing suit, and hands you a glass of champagne. You sip from your glass as introductions and small talk is made.

You enjoy the rest of the day on their yacht, eating and drinking. As the sun sets, the boat pulls into the marina. You walk the few blocks home in the cooling night air. You arrive at your mail box, reach in to pull out the spare key, and head inside.

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