Hike back to the town

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to hike back to the town. Those local stories freak you out a bit, and you don't want to stay here for a whole night.

You start down the path almost running. You're racing the sun, and you know it. The downhill nature of your journey helps, too. Unfortunately, you can't keep that pace up the whole way. You're starting to gasp for breath, and you slow to a walk. It's getting dark, and the forest seems somehow wilder. You can't tell how far you've gone.

When you've caught your breath, you run again, but soon it's gotten too dark for that. Fortunately, the full moon gives enough light to make out the trail. Somehow that doesn't reassure you. Neither does that howl. You try to remind yourself that it's just a wild animal, but you can feel yourself starting to panic. Another howl, and this one's closer. Wild animal or not, you're getting out of here. You flee down the trail toward the town, but you trip over something and fall. As you're lying there, all you can hear is your own breathing. Now you can see almost nothing. Clouds must have covered the moon. Should you get up again? Should you stay there and wait it out?

You get up to try again, but you freeze. You think you see something in the woods to your right, but you can't be sure. And then behind you, a twig snaps. You turn, and you face two huge, malevolent yellow eyes. Then the moon comes out from behind the clouds, and you see it. It stands on two legs, with fur, and a snout baring the sharpest teeth you've ever seen. Italic text Werewolf /Italic text', you think, and you're already running. Behind you, you hear a terrible howl that fills your entire awareness. You feel something sharp in your side, and you stumble. You turn, and the last thing you see is those long white teeth.

You have died.

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