Incubus: Pursue your crewman, Ellis

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You stand and watch Ellis flip a small dagger at a target painted on an old cask lid. He never misses. After several minutes, you cross the deck and stop beside him.

"I'd like a word with you," you say and he quickly returns the slender dagger to the sheath hanging from his cracked leather belt.

"Have I done something wrong, Captain Vrellis?" he asks, his soft voice wary. It says a lot about a man's character when he assumes that a talk from his superior is a reprimand. You regard him for a moment, watching for signs of nervousness, but he just stares back at you with those ancient gray eyes.

"Not that I know of," you say finally. You lead him to your cabin and gesture for him to have a seat in one of the chairs. "Since you brought it up," you say, leaning against your heavy oak desk, "have you done something wrong? I assume you have, else why would you turn pirate?"

"I have committed my share of crimes against men and gods," he says quietly. "Is your soul without blemish that you will presume to judge me?"

"I presume nothing," you say, more than intrigued by his manner of speaking. It's not often that you find a well-spoken pirate. "Nor do I judge. The only sin I cannot abide is lying." You feel like a hypocrite, preaching honesty when you whole life has been nothing but lies. You have a good reason for your secrets, though. "This is your only chance to confess anything that might interfere with your work or endanger my ship. After you leave this room, if I find out that you are keeping something from me, you will be punished."

"I am no more of a danger to this ship than anyone else," he says coolly. "I have killed men, and for that I am hunted. I owe a great deal of money to a mage, which he will undoubtedly come to collect one day. Neither of those facts will impair my ability to perform my duties. If that is all, Captain Vrellis--"

"That's not all," you say as he starts to get up. He sinks back into the chair and regards you with his tired eyes. He's not what you expected and you're not sure how to proceed. The fact that he needs money is convenient; you could always pay him to feed your demon. He's intelligent, though, and could probably handle the truth. And of course, there's always your irresistible charm.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Restless
Location The Incubus: Captain's Cabin
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