Ask for mercy

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:13, 6 September 2008 by NYLee (Talk | contribs)

"Don't hit me again. Stop, please". To your surprise the Irish guy put his hand down and step back. "What did you just say?". You can smell his accent. "Just don't hit me anymore. I'll do whatever you want." "Are you serious?" Mister Bushmill asks. "I'm gonna get the boss."

He leaves you alone. You're feeling miserable. Your head is spinning and you just lost your honor. Oh man, you're clueless about where are you, but at less soon you're going to have an answer.

The door opens and you see your childhood friend cross the door. "Hi, Jim" He says smiling. Oh man, you're hating every single teeth of this guy.

He gets really close. You smell his expensive perfume.

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