Assure Nathan that you came with him, ease into being caught by Tyler and Alex, F

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As the waves of ecstasy wash over your body, Tyler's laughter echoes like tiny bells in the background. You are lost in the bliss of the moment, unable to focus on anything except the sensation coursing through you ... Tyler's giggle only grows more full, getting harder to suppress. Alex, not wanting to be left out, chuckles and raises an eyebrow at Tyler while you come down from your finish. The remnants of your pleasure are still evident in the flush of your cheeks and the weak lifting of your limbs.

"Looks like someone was lost in their own world," Alex teases, his laughter restrained but unmistakable.

Slumped against the desk, you feel the warmth of Tyler's hand as she runs her fingers through your hair. "Oh? You look so happy down there," she coos, her expression a blend of amusement and curiosity "if you need a nap you might wanna wait, class is nearly over ... What are you doing??"

"Nothing, just... daydreaming," you mumble sheepishly, attempting to deflect attention from your secret indulgence.

Alex hooks his arm around the back of his chair, looking away from you as he tries to hold back his laughter. "Quite the daydream, apparently."

"Hey! Leave them alone!" Tyler comes to your playful defense, wagging a finger at Alex. Her own giggles betray her stern facade, falling out of her in hushed, delighted waves. Tyler might not have been so clued up as to how fucked you were, but Alex, barely bothered by watching you cum Alex, was all too understanding.

As the teacher clapped her hands, you were jolted out of your daydreams. Your limbs trembled with a mix of excitement and lingering desire, making it hard to fully return to reality. As your classmates packed up their belongings and filed out of the classroom, you received a text from Nathan. The sound of his name alone made your heart race. You quickly checked your phone, feeling a rush of anticipation as you read his message: "I think you need another lesson in potions."

"Damn it, Nathan," you think to yourself, struggling to suppress a grin. "What have you gotten me into?" But deep down, you know you're eager for more. You wouldn't have been here if you weren't.

"Come on, let's go," Tyler says, tugging at your arm. With a deep breath, you gather your belongings and follow her out of the classroom, your mind racing.

As Tyler pulls you out of class, she excitedly explains where her friends will be waiting for you both

Apologise and promise Tyler you'll meet her friends another time, but first, you need to talk to Nathan

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