Say yes to meeting Tylers friends, F

From Create Your Own Story

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As you lift your pen from the parchment, a very enthusiastic acceptance awaiting Tylers eyes ... an unexpected sensation begins to blossom within your hips, creeping slowly toward the apex of your thighs. Its a slow pass of heat, and then an insistent pressure of pleasent energy until you end up clenching your teeth, willing yourself to focus on anything but the tingling that was now invading your most intimate area.

"Here," you said hurriedly, passing your reply to Tyler. Your fingers brushed against each other, and the unexpected sensation intensified tenfold, centering directly on your recently abused clit. Your breath hitched, and you gripped the edge of your desk in an attempt to steady yourself.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked, concern etched across her face as she noticed your sudden change in demeanor. Tyler might have been slow, but even a blind man could see the sudden blush rushing up your cheeks.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," You stammered, forcing a smile despite the heat spreading through your body. You tried to concentrate on the spectacular show of magic that Alex continued to exhibit, but your thoughts were consumed by the unrelenting pleasure building between your legs.

"What on earth is happening to me?" you wonder, mind racing in search of an explanation. The intensity of the sensation made it nearly impossible to maintain a composed facade. Desperate for relief, you dug nails into the wooden surface of the desk, silently pleading for the pleasure to subside.

You realize quickly exactly what is happening to you

You have no idea what is happening, making every sudden sensation a mystery

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