Press for more details from Tyler in note form, F

From Create Your Own Story

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The moment Tyler unfolded the note, she could feel the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. She read the words, "I can't believe you're telling me that in note form. I have evidence now. You may as well give me the juicy details, Tiger. Yes, this is blackmail, details now or I show this to Nathan." "Visualize the energy flowing from your core, through your arms, and into the object," the teacher said, guiding Alex with a gentle but firm tone. Tyler took a deep breath, her chest heaving as she steeled herself to write a response.

"Alright then, you little blackmailer," she thought playfully, penning down the tale of how she'd met her visitors. It started with a chance encounter at a local inn, where they bonded over shared interests and an unexpected adventure that began in the dark hours of the night.

"Over time, we became inseparable," Tyler wrote, describing how they'd supported each other through Tylers job change, from bar tender to waitress to the new store clerk, even when she was stressed and couldn't do her best customer service voices they tipped her always. Her heart swelled with affection as she recounted the countless moments of camaraderie and love they'd shared. "We've been through soooo much together, and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world."Suppressing the laughter bubbling inside her, Tyler buried her face in her shirt collar again, trying to calm herself down - behind her, Alex was deeply engrossed in the teacher's instructions, his brow furrowed and eyes focused on the object he held in his hands.

As Tyler's pen danced across the parchment, the atmosphere in the room shifted to one of wonder and awe. The wooden figure in Alex's hand had begun to morph, slowly taking the shape of a beautiful, ornate candlestick, its intricate carvings glistening like liquid gold.

With a flourish of his wrist, Alex infused the candlestick with a burst of fire magic. The flames danced along the grooves and patterns, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The students gawked in amazement, their eyes wide with wonder. The teacher's stern expression softened into a smile as she nodded at Alex, impressed by his display of skill and creativity. She couldn't fault a talented witch, even if he was now making it hard to show the class the spells weren't supposed to be simple.

"I know you wanted the juicy details, but I can't just write that down. That's something you need to experience ... Would you like to meet my friends from work sometime?" Tyler whispered to you when she noticed your gaze slipping towards the sudden red glow Alex had created, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Who would turn down that kind of offer, say yes!

As tempting as the offer is ... you decide you're not looking for that kind of evening

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