Magic and Mayhem- Say no, but ask if he'd want to have 'fun' after class

From Create Your Own Story

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You shake your head 'no' at Alex's suggestion to sneaking off. He pouts at first, clearly going to accept defeat, until you add to your statement.

"Maybe we could have a little fun after class though?" You suggest, watching to see his reaction. Alex looks confused for a second like you've just given him whiplash until he hoods his eyes and smirks. Idea's were clearly already forming in his head at the thought. "But we do have to go to Johnsons class. Just because he likes you doesn't mean he's going to put up with me skipping so often."

"Who says we have to wait until after class" Alex hums, leaning into your side as you make your way to the hall. You've seen Alex give that look to other people before, and it usually meant trouble. You'd be lying if you said it wasn't damn effective though. He doesn't elaborate on what he means, however, as he slinks away in front of you and into the classroom, throwing you one hell of a look over his shoulder. God the guy is one horny bastard.

The hall is massive in size, it being the main dueling and casting hall in the castle, it really had to be. The raised seats were reasonably comfy and allowed for an excellent amount of legroom. A college student's wet dream. You could probably fit a whole person under the desks if you really wanted to. You and Alex took your customary seats at the back of the class climbing a fair few stairs to get there, far enough away for Johnson not to be such a distraction for Alex. Puling out your wand, you set it down on you desk as you waited for the class to start.

Johnson grabbed everyone's attention with a loud bark from the front. He was an older man, maybe 50, with wispy grey hair and moustache to match. The students always said he looked like Dumbledore if he was grumpy and on steroids. He spoke with authority, and followed through with any punishment he threatened on his students. "Now! We're going to go over the bare essentials for phasing through objects-", a loud groan sounded from every student brave enough to dare. Like you said. Same class every week. You were drifting off into your own head when a weird interaction caught your eye. During one of Johnsons many infamous speaking pauses, he started glaring daggers at you and Alex. You couldn't tell who it was for in particular, but seeing as you two were the only ones up at the back, and Alex was seemingly throwing a particularly suggestive look Johnsons way, you presumed it was intended for Alex.

After a second, it was over. Johnson continued on with his repetitive spiel, and Alex smirked, giving you a shit eating grin. Cat who got the cream came to mind when you looked at how pleased with himself he was. Johnson continued: "To know how to phase, you must first know how to opaque an object..."

"You're such an idiot." You couldn't help laughing under your breath.

"What can I say. Johnson really does like me" he whispers back, again leaning into your side. You thought nothing of it, thinking it to just be Alex's usual touchiness, until you felt a hand creeping up your leg towards your thigh.

Your reaction is almost immediate:

Wow, what do you think you're doing, stop

That feels quiet nice, let Alex continue

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