Go to the nearest mall to try and seek safety there

From Create Your Own Story

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Deciding you'll be safer at the local mall, where there's more people, and more importantly resources, you pack a few things you think may come in handy whilst there- $70, keys, ciggarettes, lighter, penknife and a gun with spare ammunition, and leave your house. Deciding it would be best to drive there, you get into your car and throw your bag on the back seat. When you pull into the mall parking lot, you see your friend Jennie with a bunch of people from the year below, including your ex-girlfriend, Aby, who, despite breaking with up 3 weeks ago, you still feel awkward around.

Do you:

Health 100 Equipment:

$70, keys, ciggarettes, lighter, penknife and a gun with spare ammunition

MP #
Level 3
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