D&D: He says "Just how good is your devotion"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Just how good is your devotion?" he says. You raise an eyebrow to the question. "Is my loyalty in doubt sir ?" you ask suspiciously.

He suspiciously dodge the question by chaining with :"As senior cleric, I have a task to ensure loyalty and devotion to the cult. Now tell me, Are you devoted ?" he continues with a smile.

You nod without hesitation "Yes. I am."

"Then you wil abide by the bylaws and regulations of this private duel of wills?" He asks

Your eyebrows shoot up. This is more direct move than you had expected from this man. You had believed that he was comfortable in standing on his position and allowing his status to do the work for him in your rivalry, a rivalry that had slowly been growing between you, but you apparently had made a severe miscalculation. A duel of wills was a bold and direct move, one that would clearly establish heirarchy of leader and subordinate.

That he recognized your potential challenge to his authority enough tl challenge you to a duel was of note. You had hoped that your scheming and clawing for status and power had been discrete. But your attempts to outshine the master had been discovered. And now there you had to bring what personal power you had gained directly against him. You had studied, prayed and believed, you wouldn't have dared reach for this if you didn't bwlieve you had the capability, or at least the potential. So you accepted.

"I hereby accept your challenge to a duel of wills" you say, your voice even and confident

This acceptance is followed by a wordless clash of wills and magic. The very air between you shakes as you and your senior duel with your wills and your divine magics. The very stones of the keep begin to rattle with the forces put off by your battle. Sweat beads upon both of your brows, your concentration on nothing else.

But eventually, your stamina begins to flag, and the difference in your divine magical power begins to show. Your opponent is several years your senior, and has had several more years to study, understand, grasp, meditate and pray on the divine magic of Bane. You do your best to not let yoir desperation show, but you know that he knows. This battle of wills was years in the making. Your backroom deals, politicking and sniping, all things you tried to use to get an upper hand, but to your dismay, your fate was reduced to this magical duel, a duel you were losing.

You decide to go for a last ditch effort. Suffusing all of your remaining will in a surge of domineering force. Trying to channel all of your building fear into rage and wrath to throw into your battle. His eyes go wide at your renewed strength, but then narrow as realization dawns on his face as horror dawns on yours. Hes figured you out.

His will, having weathered the storm of your last defiance, begins inexorably closing around yours, crushing down upon your psyche. His divine magic having been once challenged, responds in kind, slowly but surely conquering yours. You are forced to drop to a knee as you gasp out for breath, your will and your magic defeated at the highest you could muster. You have been conquered and defeated.

"I have now won our duel of wills. This means that you will obey without questions and promptly to any order." He states with a cruel smile.

You look at him, defeat and dread clear on your face. "I will obey every order without question" you repeat. This is the way of the church of Bane. The victor commands the defeated, this is the only way. You have a defeated many and they remain under your charge, but that axe cuts both ways. Now that you have been conquered and are the loser you must comply.

You nod, sucessfully keeping the tears out of your eyes, if only barely.

"Excellent...Lock the door." he orders.

You walk to the door and pull the locks in place, grateful for the discretion, even if its only for now. You then walk back to where you were and face him.

"Good girl." He says,

Your stomach quivers, but with what emotion, you couldn't say.

D&D: The senior cleric orders you to take off your chain-mail

D&D: The senior cleric decides to have a little fun with you

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