Cover your face (Exchange Student) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:53, 13 January 2023 by Gearsfan300 (Talk | contribs)

You see them unlocking their phones and you realize you should cover up. But do you cover your body or your face? If you cover your body, your naked parts won't be visible to anyone who sees the pictures or videos. But they will nonetheless be able to recognize you and the fact that you're naked in public. On the other hand, if you cover your face, your identity would remain a secret, but your body would be exposed for the camera. Anyone who sees the pictures or videos would be able to see your bare boobs and pussy. Naturally, your hands dart up to cover your face. Through your fingers, you see the kids all raise their phones towards you, permanently capturing your naked body for anyone who wants to see. You wonder if you'll see any of them on social media later. At least you don't recognize any of the kids, so your identity is safe for now.

To your surprise, you see some of the adults start to take out phones too. Teachers, parents, even Mr. Jacobs has his phone out now. All these cameras on you is embarrassing beyond belief, all of these people will be able to look at your body anytime they want. Mr. Jacobs could even show Sally what you did. You are even more surprised when you see your host uncle pull out his phone. You slightly panic as you wonder if he is going to text your host parents. You're not sure if you feel relieved or disappointed as he instead raises his camera towards you, but you know one thing for sure. You know that you feel horny and excited. This man comes over every weekend to have dinner and play board games with you guys. Now when he is sitting across from you playing Monopoly, he can perfectly imagine you playing it naked. You can't believe the high you're feeling, your pussy is begging for attention.

You could stay covering your face and standing there. You don't know what to do, but you at least know you like the exposure. You could stay covering your face and interact with the crowd. This would risk your identity, if anyone recognizes your voice. You could stay covering your face and masturbate. Hopefully one hand is enough to keep your face covered, but you need to cum bad. You could uncover your face and stay standing there. You've decided you want to be recognized. You could uncover your face and interact with the crowd. You'd probably be recognized anyways, you might as well have some fun. You could uncover your face and masturbate. At this point, you want everyone to see you get off and know it's you.

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Social Group Exchange student
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