To look for work

From Create Your Own Story

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You have some cash, but by the gods, you really don't have much. Certainly not enough to impress a date! Not on an impressive date, at least. So, you go to find your cleanest shirt, and while it's not as nice to your scales, you pick out a pair of jeans to wear for the outfit. After making sure your pants weren't falling down by fastening your belt over your tail, you head to your computer to look for anywhere looking for a job. After finding a decent one, you head out into the world.

The day was perfect for doing this. Though you had to head back into your house to fish your wallet, and therefore your car keys, out of your sweats, the day itself was perfect out. It almost made you want to walk, but with the distance between you and your interview was a bit too much for that.

Getting there, you had found that this job was up as an open interview, with four main lines leading to tables. One of the four had male rhino a receptionist who, after a few moments, led the little lioness at the front of the line into a small tent where the interviews were happening. Over the next few minutes, the other interviewers had come out of their tents, showing who they were. You head to the line of the...

Male rhinoceros

Female leopard gecko

Male Naga

Female Ape

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