To the store

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:42, 17 December 2022 by Creo Omen Creations (Talk | contribs)
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You already have your wallet in your sweatpants, so you may as well go look for something to buy. Getting a shirt on from the few clean clothes you have available, and making sure your pants aren't falling because of your tail, you head into the world.

It's a really lovely day outside. Since gas is money, and you don't have much of that, you decide to walk to the nearby corner store. It's a pleasant day, and honestly, the warmth was perfect for a cold-blood like yourself. Stepping into the small shop, there was a light breeze from the overhead air conditioners before the temperature regulated inside. The aisles were sparsely filled, with both items and people. You head...

To the sodas To the snacks To the sweets To the alcohol To the register Back outside

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