Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Let Valerie have her way with you (2.5)

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Valerie rubs her wet pussy against your face, smearing her musky juices through her silky panties onto and into your nose, making sure that her scent is all you can smell. Then she shifts herself forward so that that wet spot is over your mouth, allowing you to taste her while her aromatic rosebud settles against your nostrils. Meanwhile, she starts to stroke and pump your cock, and you feel her tongue swirl lightly around your drooling tip, taking up some of your precum and making you moan softly.

You push your tongue up against her panties, tasting her tangy fluids through the fabric and making her gasp. She responds by wrapping her lips around your tip while her hand continues to pump you. You get the feeling that it won't take long at this rate, those energy drinks and her intense pheromones continuing to fuel your hormones. She draws you in deeper, her tongue massaging the sensitive underside of your shaft while her hand moves down to squeeze gently at its base.

You reach up to carefully tug her panties to the side so that your tongue can access her folds more directly. She moans around your cock and shudders when you send your long, serpentine tongue deeper into her tunnel, licking at her walls to collect more of her strong sex juices. She starts to bob her head up and down on your shaft, taking it deeper and surrounding it in her warmth. It indeed takes almost no time at all for your climax to approach, your hips starting to buck of their own accord and starting to tense up. Your balls begin to clench closer to your body as that pleasure looms, making you want to hold on as long as you can...

Just as you're about to go over the edge, Valerie suddenly lets go of you, pulling off your cock and pulling her hand away. She leaves you bucking into thin air, your tip bubbling and drooling with just the tiniest bit of your climax, but not allowing you to hit your peak. "Not yet," she says to you, and you give off a frustrated grunt as you pull your tongue back out of her in revenge.

When your need has subsided just enough, the cat sets to work on you again, taking you inside her muzzle to resume her teasing, her hand wrapping more firmly around your base. Once again, your climax approaches swiftly, but she pulls off again at just the right time, eliciting another groan at the denial of your peak. She giggles and rubs her pussy against your muzzle to tease you even more.

She does this to you at least four more times, your balls now aching with need as she keeps you right at the edge. You decide that if she's not going to let you cum, you're going to at least force her to cum, so you plunge your tongue back inside her quivering vagina, pressing it harshly against her clit and sucking on her folds to draw out her juices. She gasps and moans over you, and you feel your cock sink even farther into her muzzle, that hand squeezing your base harder and her other hand massaging your tortured balls. Her hips gyrate atop you, spreading her hot feminine juices all over your snout, quivering and pulsing as her own climax draws near...

This time, she doesn't pull off. Your tongue is suddenly gripped tight and bathed in her girl-cum, the taste even stronger than before, and she whimpers around your cock as she sucks harder than ever against you. You groan out loudly into her cunny as your own climax finally hits, your hips thrusting your shaft all the way to the back of her throat, your knot sinking in behind her teeth and swelling quickly to lock you there. You send a huge gout of your seed straight into her throat, expecting her to gag and splutter around it. But instead, she swallows it with ease, more evidence of how much of a professional she is. She eagerly swallows every one of your huge ejaculations while she saturates your face with her own climax and sends a couple of mouthful of her own juices into your gullet.

Finally, both of your climaxes die down, and the cat moans around your shaft, still locked inside her muzzle. It takes a few minutes before she can pull free, but once she does, she settles down next to you, flipping herself around so she press her messy chest against your side. "Mmmm, that was amazing, Ron," she says. "You're a real natural at this. You're gonna please a lot of girls at the studio."

Your sex-addled brain, fueled by all those energy drinks and her musky scents still in your nostrils, has no problem responding in kind now. "Oh yeah. I'll bet I could take all of you on in one shoot."

Valerie grins. "Oh really, stud? You want to have your own harem on camera? You wanna take each of us and cum inside our pussies one after another?"

You grin back. "I'll bet I could do it to each of you several times."

She shudders at the thought. "Mmm, make every one of us nice and full of your cum, huh? I love it." She reaches down to fondle your cock, which is still hard as a rock.

You nod, giving off a soft gasp at the touch. "Well, you know what they say about rabbits and fucking." You wink at her for effect.

She grins. "Well, then, I think you should get in some practice, loverboy." She gets herself up and swings a leg over you to straddle you, her damp pussy positioned just over your drooling shaft. "Fuck me like a rabbit. Shove that thing inside me and show me no mercy."

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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