Mia/Lost/Accept to travel with them

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You've always been bad at saying 'no' to people, which generally only leaves you with one other option ... So you agree. She smiles and hugs you and keeps telling you how it'll be 'great fun'.

Mostly everyone has finished lunch by now and Shanna has them break up camp. Several men gather around you two and Karla starts happily chatting with the guys, pulling you into the conversation and unexpectedly rubbing your chest moaning in the process , making the men blush all shades of red. You blush redder than any of them and stand there covering your chest with your arms while looking at your feet and trying to fall through the ground. They laugh, pat you on the back and decide to give you some time to yourself. They tell you that you can climb into the big cart with a tent-like roof. It's only one pulled by a horse while all the other carts are pulled by hand. You happily oblige and lie yourself down inside, relaxing your sore body. Soon afterwards, you drift off to sleep.

You :

Wake up to Karla's giggling

Wake up to the sounds of battle

Wake up to hands feeling up your chest

Health 60 Equipment:

torn rags

Stamina 60
Mood Sleepy Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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