PN/Say you lost your bikini in the pool

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide you should feign innocence, that way you can avoid getting in trouble. Plus, there's something kind of hot about them thinking you're in this situation on accident. You can be like an ENF in those stories you read about. The idea makes you hot.

"I wasn't okay with them seeing! I lost my bikini in the pool somewhere and didn't realize it until you called my name! Oh my God I'm so embarrassed. I wonder if anyone saw anything?" You respond, your face still blushing which makes your story more believable.

"Well we didn't really see anything, we were at the other end of the pool. Judging by the looks other people keep giving you, I'm guessing they must've seen something though. At least they don't seem to care!" Angel says.

Katie laughs and says, "Wow girl, I never thought I'd see this happen to anyone I know! Ya know, Angel is right. No one seems to mind. You should take that towel back off."

The boys are still silently staring until your friend, Brian, speaks up, a little too quickly maybe, "Yeah, we wouldn't care either Claire. You should be able to enjoy the pool with the rest of us."

You could say no. Taking the towel off might blow your story. You could act open to the idea, but embarrassed about doing it. This would play into your ENF fantasy and might make them try and convince you further. You could say yes and take it off after pretending to justify yourself. Maybe make them think you're just trying to convince yourself like they did. You could just take the towel off. Actions speak louder than words.

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