VRX 9000: Sex Games / Ashley; Get it over with.

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VRX 9000: Sex Games

Mass Effect: My Crew's Pet: Liara's Story

Part 1: The Cure for Boredom


The Story:

You decide that you might as well get this over with and learn by doing instead of going through any kind of training with Samara. You skin practically starts to crawl at the idea of letting Ashley have any sort of control over your body but at this point it can't be helped. You will do your duty as Samara instructs. And hope every second of it that Shepard returns to save you. You turn to Samara to respond realizing you've been thinking about this too long and she is growing impatient. "I will forgo training and report to Ashley." You decide to Samara a little bit more meekly than you intended. Are you really to submissive?

"Very well." Samara says giving you a hard cold look as if deciding if she wants to say something or not then decides not to. Instead she walks over to the same locker she used earlier and retrieves a small omni-tool that you don't recognize. Which is surprising because you often do maintenance and inventory on all of the omni-tools on the ship yourself. How does Samara have one that isn't registered on the ship? That makes you nervous realizing there is a lot going on here that you still don't know or understand. Samara also grabs a small bag and hands it to you. "You are to wear this to your meeting with Ashley later tonight. I will come by a few minutes before your meet-up time to help assist you in any way and deliver you to your new client."

Curious about your new 'uniform' you don't get a chance to inquire before Samara handles the omni-tool and gives you a stern look. "Remove your clothes. We have a few things we need to do a bit in advance to prepare your body to be a fuck toy." She says as if it were any normal order.

With a shiver of humiliation you strip once more letting your busty breasts and thick ass pop out of your tight jumpsuit before removing everything else except for the very restricting chastity belt. Samara takes it off and you have a brief rush of hope that is quickly quelled as she gives you a hard look almost as if knowing what you were thinking. "I am now going to add some unique piercings with a new method I've been developing, although admittedly not for this. However, it is too convenient not to use. There will be some brief pain but you will have until tonight for your body to get used to the changes. Stand still and do not move." Samara orders then walks up with the omni-tool humming as you look at it with a new light.

It's going to give you piercings? You've never had any before, not even in your ears. Does it hurt? It sounds like it would hurt. It takes some incredible will power not to step back when she brings the omni-tool up to your breasts, nipple already hard and waiting from your constant arousal. Samara applies the device and after a sharp pain you look down as you feel a sharp weight pull down on your very sensitive nipple. Gasping in shock you find you already have a dark black metal ring hanging heavily from a hole pierced through your nipple. Staring at the dark metal never having seen its type you think you see movement inside it but just shake your head a little bit overwhelmed by the need to fuck and the pain from the piercing. You just imagined it.

Samara pierces your other breast next then to your great dismay rises it up and makes you stick out your tongue. After that you find yourself with three black beads running down your tongue with one near the tip. You sound a little different when you talk but Samara assures you that will return to normal shortly. She also gives you a nose ring which makes you feel like you are owned and almost sob realizing that is exactly what is happening. This is the crew of the Normandy officially taking ownership of your body. You endure the omni-device trying not to focus on the heavy metal ring hanging below your nose as Samara adds quite a few ear piercings making you just look slutty before lowering the device for a belly-button piercing leaving a small hanging piece of metal almost like jewelry.

The last part it the worse as Samara takes your wet pussy lips and pierces each of them three times making you actually sob in pain it hurts so much. You almost collapse and end up on your knees throbbing in pain when she adds the thickest metal ring of them all right through your insanely sensitive clit. Samara is not amused and you receive another stinging slap to your right cheek with orders to stand back up. You shakily do letting a few tears run down your cheek as Samara does her final inspection checking on each of the piercings while your body still aches from the pain of them.

Finally satisfied Samara puts up the omni-tool and reattaches the chastity belt to your frustration. This will be even worse with these heavy black rings hanging from your most sensitive areas. Keeping your attention Samara sits back down at her desk. "I can see you've been staring at the metal piercing your body. Know that this is a special type the Justicar have kept for the most part secret. When applied it suppresses the ability to use biotic powers. You are now completely helpless against both myself and the other biotics on the crew. I hope you understand that your full submission will be enforced whether you will it or not at this point." She stops for a moment watching your emotions as you have a mild panic attack. The fact that you can't fight back anymore if someone takes this too far really frightens you. And a pleading look towards Samara only gets a scowl from her before she continues watching you nervously start to shake standing at attention, pierced and naked before her.

"That being said, you have undergone all of this willingly and have done everything I have asked. For that please understand I will personally keep a watchful eye out over you and make sure you are returned to your previous state once this mission is over if such a thing is possible." She says giving a small frown that makes you even more nervous. "Anyways, I will see you tonight. A notification has been sent to your room with details about the time and place. I will see you then. Don't forget the bag." Samara reminds you coldly as you start to leave almost forgetting the giant bag of sex toys on her desk.

Getting dressed quickly you almost run out of Samara's office with the sex toys and do actually run all the way to your room before collapsing on your bed and sobbing. What has she done to you? You try to use your natural Asari biotic powers but instead the ability is repressed and you suddenly feel almost like electricity through the black metal which starts to swirl. You brace expecting it to be painful but instead let out a loud, pathetic high-pitched moan of deep pleasure as the black rings take your biotic energy and convert it somehow directly into pleasure directed directly onto your most sensitive areas.

It pulses a few times and you writhe in pleasure on your bed unable to resist as you moan loudly and freely bucking your hips uselessly as you are briefly consumed by pure pleasure. When it finally abates you collapse in tears pathetically tearing at your chastity belt in desperation before sobbing some more curling up into a ball.

You lose yourself in your thoughts the rest of the day before finally remembering you need to change before your meeting with Ashley. Just the thought gives you a deep sinking feeling your stomach almost making you sob again. Pulling yourself together you almost panic thinking you forgot your new outfit at Samaras but quickly find out that Samara put it in the bag of sex toys to help you carry it.

Trying not to give into the despair you feel as you put each piece on you feel yourself slowly slipping away anyways. You pull up tight black latex leggings to mid thigh with tall black heels made to be locked around your ankles unable to be removed. You pull similar black latex down your arms past your elbows then attach a matching black latex garter belt which you help keep your latex leggings up.

Just when you are finishing up putting on a thick layer of make-up trying not to cry while you do looking like such a whore in the mirro Samara arrives strolling right into your room. You realize she has deactivated your security system and locks making you blush a bit in frustration. Could anyone just walk in on you now? "I see you are almost ready, good." Samara says as if you were about to go for a walk. She inspects you adjusting the latex here and there before taking out the same omni-tool as before removing your chastity belt. It takes some real self control not to immediately touch yourself making you feel like quite the whore that you look like.

Samara has you do a few last minute touches such as covering yourself in the arousal cream again as well as force you to use and hold your biotic powers for a full five minutes. You almost collapse by the effort of both combined driving so much need and pleasure and desire to fuck through your body you are literally trembling by the time she finally lets you stop holding the biotic field you were attempting to maintain. The black metal piercings finally stop surging pure pleasure into your most sensitive areas just inches away from making you cum without any touch at all.

Hardly able to think anymore you focus on not crying when Samara pulls out a thick black butt plug and plunges it between your lip-sticked lips and has you suck on it a bit like a whore before finally working it up your tight and inviting ass. Adding the final item, a simple black collar with a metal ring on the front, Samara finally attaches a leash then looks you over one last time. Apparently satisficed she gives you a rare motherly look running a hand softly along your cheek careful not to ruin your makeup. "I know this is hard for you Liara but you are doing a great service with your sacrifice. Please know that as your body gets used tonight." She tries to comfort but fails.

Not letting such feelings linger she draws back to her cold, judgmental self before giving you a sharp slap on the ass before leading you out of your room out into the ship. The two of you walk in silence and you can almost die from nervousness every time you turn a corner fearing to run into somebody. Your luck holds however and you end up in front of Ashley's room before anyone can spot your naked, whorish body slowly making its way through the halls struggling to walk in these ridiculously high heels.

Standing in front of Ashley's room Samara pulls you to look at her, cold eyes inspecting once more and looks like she is about to say something. Before she can Ashley's door opens and the smug bitch walks out with a huge grin on her face taking in your slutty outfit and exposed body almost looking like she is going to laugh. "There is the Asari slut. Thanks for the fuck Samara." Ashley says snatching the leash from Samara before completely ignoring any response pulling you into the room with the door closing before Samara makes any kind of response. You almost feel bad but you have more pressing concerns.

Ashley looks absolutely ecstatic as she lets go of your leash to step back and look over your slutty form. You try to stand at attention, confident, but you fail to look nonplussed. You can't hide your body trembling in desire, craving pleasure. You can't hide the permanent stain of red on your cheeks from pure humiliation. You can't hide the fear in your eyes as Ashley's eager ones meet them.

Panic rises in your gut and you find it hard to stand at attention as Ashley circles around you taking a long, hard look of enjoyment. You barely hold back tears as she laughs going over to glance into the bag of sex toys. And then, something you didn't expect out of yourself bubbles up inside you. You aren't restrained in any way. Your arms are obediently folded behind you but are not handcuffed. The heels will make it hard to move but your legs are free. You can't use your biotic powers but you have the element of surprise. As Ashley bends over with you partially in her blind spot you have the adrenaline surge through you. You don't have to do this. You could attack. Incapacitate Ashley then run for an escape pod. There are provisions on board. Anything would be better than this. Right? You catch her glance this way for a moment. Is she expecting something like that? Goading you into it by purposefully putting her back to you? And yet... the idea of running away fills your mind you can hardly deny it.


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