D&D: Stay with the caravans

From Create Your Own Story

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You ponder and ends up saying, "I don't think there is much risk but I will take your invitation."

He smiles and drop from his horse. "Good. My name is Gerald by the way." He holds out his hand. You aren't sure what to do with his hand. You look at him and present yourself. When he realizes you aren't gonna shake it, he grins and pulls it back. "You aren't used to greeting people, huh?"

"Not often," you answer. You realize two of the caravan worker have stopped working to look at you. Gerald eventually notices and command them to get back to work.

"I'm sorry about them," he says with a little blush. He is still right in front of you and your outfit.

You answer, unphased, "It is all right. I just find it curious, is all."

The caravan folks make up a small camp. They puts the caravan in a circle and build some tents, a fire in the middle and are ready for the night. You are invited to sit by the fire as you watch them work. Most of them still lusts over your body while they carry on their duties. As they slowly gather around the fire for the night, you learn a bit more of the caravan folks.

The four workers are Tethyrian. They have tanned skin and continuously speak their own language which you don't understand.

Gerald is the leader. He is a warrior of sorts. With him is another cavalier under his command, a younger man with blond hair. The last is an Illuskan merchant. While Gerald is in command of most of the men, the merchant seems to be commanding Gerald. He is the only one who has not done any work yet and have sat down while all the others does tasks.

His name is Mulkair. His attention is fixed on you.

Mulkair eventually approaches you. "So where are you heading, my dear?"


Mulkair cough up a bit of the drink he was having. "Like-like this?"

You shrug your shoulders."I would like see the city."

"And you don't think there might be a problem with your current outfit?"

You ponder a bit. "I didn't think what I wear would make such a big difference. Is it that important?"

He takes this opportunity to eyes you up and down. His stare drops on your bare breasts, small in frame but still curvy enough, and your well shaped ass "It's not so much of a problem."

Gerald approaches slowly and smiles self-consciously. "It is just a bit more revealing then the townfolks are used to."

You look up at him as he approaches. You feel small. All of those humans are about 1 to 2 heads taller. "And that's troublesome?"

"Not that I don't enjoy the sights but the townfolks are a judgmental lot."

"I see," you say, pondering. You didn't think something so trivial would prevent you from going to the city.

The night is just starting. You feel the cold air on your skin and the embrace of the moon. You sit there as the attention of these lustful men. The night can go many ways or you can retire for the night and sleeps in the protection of the caravan.

D&D: Mulkair offer you a deal

D&D: You stay around the fire

D&D: You eventually fall asleep with the caravan

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