“Mom, don’t worry about the money. Dad is probably hiding half his income from you anyway.””

From Create Your Own Story

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You squeeze her lightly as you say this, letting the strain of her fine ass against what are supposedly loose fitting pajama bottoms give your cock life, and she sighs. “I don’t know honey, he works so often and I don’t think-“

“I know he works all the time, that’s why I think he’s lying!” You step back and behold her. “There’s no way he’s being honest about the bills when he’s making nearly 80 hours of overtime!”

You know fully well that you have been spending that much, but Jessica frowns and seems to consider it. “Maybe you’re right...”

“So ignore him, mom. He’s being a big jerk and he just wants to put you down.” You wait a few moments, then hug her again. “Can we get breakfast?”

With that, she relents, and you continue pushing her to the limit. That day, and pretty much every day after, you go out to breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and you get delivery on a whim. You watch as Jessica, egged on by your eagerness for her to “take it easy” and her own monstrous metabolism, takes down triple burgers, whole pizzas, gallons of ice cream, and who knows how many wings every day. It takes conscious effort to apply your powers in the right way; a normal person would die from a Geary attack after a mere week of this diet!

But Jessica has help. With your guidance, her hips broaden and her back remains strong even as the flesh upon them swells. Within a month of you shoveling the highest calorie food you can into your mom’s mouth, her breasts have grown too large for any of her bras to contain, and she has already ripped several pairs of sweatpants accidentally. No worries; she rarely leaves the house, and when she does she usually leaves her massive, awe inspiring tits free behind a struggling t-shirt. You occasionally buy her pajamas as a gift, which she adores, but even you have run out of larger sizes to pick.

And through it all, her arteries stay clear, her heart beats strong, her belly remains only ever so slightly chubby, and her body draws looks from every man lucky enough to see her in public. This naturally doesn’t include her actual husband, who probably hasn’t lain eyes on anything but an excel spreadsheet or an office memo for months.

One day, as you spoon on the couch (though she would call it “quality time” or something innocent), you behold what she has become. In the past month, she has gained 50 very proportional pounds, forgotten about all her responsibilities, and done nothing but max out another entire credit card and praise you on Facebook. Your cock momentarily swells at the thought, and you wonder just how much further you can push her before the need to breed her and make her your queen is too great.

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12th Grade Boy
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