Take another path

From Create Your Own Story

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A devious plan began to form in your mind. Oh, sure, you could travel with this girl, over the river and through the woods, and so on... but how painfully dull that all seems to you now, in a wolf's skin. After all, judging by this girl's leisurely stroll and how distant that mill is on the horizon, you do have quite a bit of time to work with.

You turn away from the girl and drop onto all fours. Already, you feel incredible power coursing through your veins, over the broad muscles in your arms, shoulders, and legs. It all makes you feel alive, far more than you ever did in that old body of yours. You feel a small breeze and hear a heavy beating behind you for a moment... but after glancing over your shoulder, it's just your tail. Looks like the might in this wolf's body is getting away from you.

You break out into a sprint, and make your way through the dense forest, headed for that grandmother's house. Thanks to your new physique and comfort in such terrain, you arrive in mere minutes, while the girl is likely still an hour out. Sweating and panting from your run, you raise one huge, clawed hand and rap heavily on the door.

The wooden door opens, and a sweat older lady leans out of her home. She's not quite as old as you would've expected, but she's got her fair share of wrinkles and streaks of white hair. She's dressed in a large, floofy pink dress with fine embroidery. When she gets a full eyeful of you- a huge, muscular wolf likely more well-endowed than any man- her sweet old eyes narrow ever-so-slightly in visible lust.

Now that you've beaten Little Red Riding Hood to her grandmother's house, you reconsider...

What, exactly, is your plan?

Health Horny, in wolf’s clothing Location:

Little Red Riding Hood's Woods

MP 0
Level 2
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