VRX 9000: Sex Games / My Club's Pet: Katy's Story

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

My Club's Pet: Katy's Story

Part 1: Club Virgin



Welcome to the 'Katy's Story' version of the "My Pet Series"! This story plays out from the point of view of a woman named Katy; a short, beautiful woman just out of college enduring bad luck when it comes to love. After a recent break up from her boyfriend Katy has sworn off men and is determined to try out her sexual experimentation phase that she regretfully missed in college. Hearing about a scandalous new club in town that is women-only named Club Inferno, Katy decides this is the perfect place to blossom. Not only will the club have tons of women that she is sure like other women, but the club has a BDSM theme which fits right in with Katy's need to experiment. Of course, Club Inferno has another reputation Katy hasn't heard mention of as of yet. Many women that visit Club Inferno don't come back out. Will Katy?


Katy's Description:

Katy is a very short, busty woman in her low twenties with well styled, short raven-black hair that frames her cute face perfectly. She is fit but not athletic boasting some rather large breasts for her size with some slim shoulders and waist to accentuate them. While not a gym rat Katy has shown her face enough to have a flat stomach and some seriously thick thighs leading up to one hell of an ass that is both shapely and busty at the same time; her most impressive feature. Tonight Katy has gone out in a slinky, mostly skin-tight, black dress clashing beautifully with her incredibly silky smooth pale skin. Underneath Katy is wearing a scandalously tiny red thong as well as a red strapless bra leaving her slim, beautiful shoulders and arms bare but for the dresses' slim straps. Finishing it all off to not seem quite as short Katy steps out of her apartment in some incredibly fashionable black high heels buckled around her ankle she is well practiced in strutting and even dancing in.


The Story:

Your name is Katy and right now life sucks. Right now should be the highlight of your life. You've just graduated college and already have a job in your field which promises to pay quite well in the future. You have a great network of support with your friends and family and a wonderful boyfriend. Well, had. You can see where this is going. You dated your so-called wonderful boyfriend the majority of your college years thinking that you'd both get married once you were done. Big mistake that was. You caught him cheating less than a week after graduation and after giving him a proper thrashing you've been in a downward spiral ever since. Enough about him.

After a few weeks at your new job suffering emotionally and physically with the hard hours and dealing with the aftermath of the breakup you are in desperate need for release. You are rightfully pissed that you've wasted potentially the best years of your life with that asshole. You could of had your pick of the boys and you don't have much hope for 'experimenting' with the ladies now that you are no longer in college. Or so you thought. One of your less-reputable friends mentions in passing a new place that has opened up in town that sounds like exactly what you need. It is called Club Inferno.

Club Inferno is an extreme all-woman sex club filled with just about everything naughty. There is no dress code and the word on the street is that just about anything goes. Having sex is just about a given and the place is rumored to have some of the best looking women you've ever seen. Not only that but it has a heavy, but some-what optional, BDSM theme. You'll see women in gimp masks and chains and if you are looking for a mistress or slave you won't be disappointed. While you've never done any bondage sex yourself, you find that you are rather curious and the all-women part gives you a revelation. Fuck men. You don't need them. You've always been attracted to women but have never had the chance to act on it. This seems like the perfect opportunity. You are getting your college experimentation in one way or another dammit.

Determined to go out and have a night of your life you slip into a tight black dress that shows off your impressive pale bust and your even more incredible thick ass and head out for a night at Club Inferno the first chance you get. You don't tell anyone you are going, which in retrospect might have been a bad idea, but going to a BDSM lesbian sex club isn't exactly something you share with friends and family. You taxi instead of an Uber just because you spot one before you can pull out your phone and end up at a rather empty looking store-front on the main strip of your local town. You look around confused for a moment before two rather sexy looking women dressed to impress walk down the straight, giggling at you with some seductive smiles, and head down the alleyway to the side.

Surprised, you give them a moment before following and end up running into a rather impressive hidden line behind the building with bouncers and everything with stairs leading down into the basement. You realize the club must be hidden under the building. You are starting to wonder how legal everything is here but instead of just getting nervous about the whole thing you also find yourself quite excited.

A beautiful, high-pitched feminine voice catches your ears as you stand apparently gawking at the line. "Oh, I like this one. Sweety, to the front of the line with you." You hear getting your attention. You look over towards the entrance and find an absolutely stunning red-head handling admissions looking right at you indicating for you to come over. You blush a bit as you walk over noticing a few nods of approval from the waiting line of apparent lesbians. Well, that's a moral booster if you've ever had one.

"Uh, hi." You say a bit shyly as the bouncers let you through to the absolutely stunning redhead looking you up and down while biting her candy lips just oozing sex appeal.

"In you go." She says with a wink and opens the door for you obviously giving you a look over. You have half a mind to stay and flirt with her she is so gorgeous but you are too entranced by the booming of the bass coming from inside the club along with your overwhelming curiosity. You enter.

You are immediately blown away and blush immediately by just the entrance of Club Inferno. You head down some stairs into a large sort-of-entrance-room that seems to split into two sections of the club. You can tell right away the place is arranged in a large circle with the section to your left being one-third of the circle while the section to your right is another third. The last is apparently a private section or you just can't see it from here.

You see topless women immediately and more women in BDSM gear than you've seen in your entire life. The section you are in is rather plain and like a normal bar with seats and mostly normal-dressed women chatting and mostly waiting for other people to show up. You immediately categorize the right section as the 'nice' section in your mind. It looks normal, well as normal as Club Inferno gets. It has a large, impressive looking bar along with tons of seating including tables and a massive dance floor with the bass pumping and a DJ on stage. The place is covered in actual flames roaring mostly in glass tubes or above people's heads. Sometimes in those glass tubes among the flames are completely nude women dancing their hearts out that catch your eye for longer than you'd like to admit. Other spots between tables have poles with women stripping. The whole side is some exotic combination of a strip club and a rave club in one.

As for what you deem the 'naughty' side, well, you are pretty sure your mouth hangs open upon inspection. The amount of naked women and women dressed in only bondage gear is tenfold higher here. Many of them are gathered around some kind of railing gazing down into pits which you can hear moaning resonating from even from here. You are very curious at to what they contain. Further back there is a wall which to your complete shock has what appears to be half of naked women sticking through holes to play with. Half of them the bottom half; ass, cunt, and legs. The top half has their waist, tits, arms, and face. All apparently open to use and abuse, or so you think you can tell from way over here. You also see women openly fingering each other and making out all over the place. It is wild and you can tell you can't tell half of what is going on the place is so crowded. The same goes with the 'nice' section.

Getting pulled back to yourself after a pinch on the ass from a sexy women walking by you compose yourself and bite your lip slightly nervously looking around. This place is the real deal and it is time to get started. You'd feel more comfortable heading over to the nice section initially, getting maybe a drink at the bar or dance to get your nerves up before going on the prowl. Yet the naughty section is hard to pass up and your curiosity might just get the better of you. Maybe jumping in head-first is your best option. Which side of the club do you wonder into?


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