CYS-FJ: head for the farms

From Create Your Own Story

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The Farms were isolated, which meant less crazy people. It also had food and shelter, you would be able to last a long time over there. The more you thought of it, the better it sounded. "Ok guys, I have a plan" Fred and Jessie both look at you, curious to know of your idea. As you look at them, you feel a pit in your stomach, what if you're wrong? You could get them killed, get yourself killed. As these morbid thoughts floated through your mind, Fred and Jessie both glanced at each other, before looking back at you. Fred coughed loudly "and whats the plan?" You snap back to reality, forcing the doubts away "We go to the farms. It has supplies, shelter, and it will have less crazy fuckers like these bastards" You nodded toward one of the corpses. Jessie nodded in agreement, and Fred just grinned as he agreed "Sounds good, lets do it" You let out a weak grin back as you nod. "alright then, lets go get my car"

You lead the way out of the house, walking into the street that was once so full of panicked families. The red van is now fully aflame, engulfed in fire. You glance at it, before a large explosion from the mountain roared through the air. You glance back as a ball of flame erupt from the mountain top, flinging debris across the mountain side. A second blast erupts from the same spot, causing the ground to shake, as a mushroom cloud seem to grow from the flame, reaching into the heavens. You are filled with both fear and wonder, as the cloud of smoke blotted out the sky. You notice that the mushroom cloud had a red tinge, like the fog along the mountain side. As you gazed at the giant pillar of smoke, red flashes of lightning illuminating the sky, you heard Fred mutter and Jessie cry, but you blocked them out as you were entranced by the scene in front of you. It was because of this that you failed to hear Freddy shout at you to move, or the sound of a car speeding towards you until it was too late. You looked down to see a panicked woman behind the wheel of a minivan, coughing as she speed toward you. You tried to jump out of the way, but was too slow, as the hood hit you, causing you to roll up and into the windshield before rolling off the car onto the concrete. As you laid on the ground, you stared at the mountain, with all of its destructive glory. Your limbs felt too heavy to move, like they were filled with lead, and the ground was so comfortable. You could faintly hear Jessie scream and cry, and a large man grabbed you, dragging you away from the street. That must be Fred, you tried to say something, but it came out as gibberish as you seemed unable to form any words. As you were dragged away, your vision slowly faded. The last thing you saw was the huge cloud, spreading across the sky, and red ash starting to fall like snow.

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