Just Keep Showering

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:04, 7 January 2020 by Goohoojoo (Talk | contribs)
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You ignore the family, they have just as much right to be here as anyone else. As you rinse the suds off your cute little curves, the buck naked boy runs over to the kids’ height shower head next to you, turns it on and starts spinning around under the water. The dad has convinced the daughter to put her phone away; she rolls her eyes at him as she reaches into her bag and pulls out a bikini. The dad looks back and forth between his kids and you, not sure how to act around you.

The daughter promptly ducks into the stall to change, Dad reluctantly starts disrobing, and the little boy pumps out a huge handful of shampoo. The dad is down to his boxers, sheepishly trying not to look at you, when the little boy cries out. The kid’s entire head is enveloped by a mass of foamy shampoo, and it’s probably burning his eyes. He whines and starts flailing around.

Name Alexandra Miller
Location Swim and Racquet Club
Status Surprised
Clothing Naked, dripping wet
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